Who We Are

SAKURA Voyages (SAKURAヴォヤージュ)は、ルクセンブルク大公国」と「日本」の文化や事業を広く紹介し、国際交流の架け橋として、両国の相互理解に貢献することを目的として誕生しました。
人や物が両国間を行き来することこそが相互社会の活性化に繋がると考え、経験豊かなスタッフが長年にわたり積み上げてきた知識と、両国で培ってきた人と人のネットワークを基礎 に、ルクセンブルク唯一の 日系旅行代理店として、2003年に設立されました。

SAKURA Voyages (SAKURAヴォヤージュ)

SAKURA Voyages (SAKURAヴォヤージュ)


SAKURA Voyages is the company established in 2003 in G.D. of Luxembourg as the bridge between G.D. of Luxembourg and Japan.
This bridge is built to coordinate and develop of Tourism, Business and Cultural exchange projects, events, exhibitions between the countries.
Our task is moving people through this bridge and further, the bridge is expected to contribute to revitalize the social activities and network between the two countries.

SAKURA Voyages provides services of Travel Agency and Tour Operator for any type of trip from JAPAN TO LUXEMBOURG as well as LUXEMBOURG TO JAPAN.
Travel planning and all the necessary travel arrangements are provided according to the requirements of travelers with both Business and Leisure purposes.
Our Tailor-Made Travel Coordination meets with any kind of wishes and needs of our customers and our business partners, such as travel agencies and tour operators in both countries.

As the Inbound Tour Operator in Luxembourg, SAKURA Voyages provides complete Tailor-Made Tour Packages for the Japanese Travelers to Luxembourg in close collaboration with local professionals, such as Hoteliers, Restaurateurs, Transportation Companies in Luxembourg.SAKURA Voyages also cooperates with event organizers to promote business, sports and cultural activities in Luxembourg and develop Gastronomic Tourism, Sports Tourism, and Edutainment Tourism in Luxembourg.
On the other hand, in Japan,SAKURA Voyagescooperates with Japanese local professionals, such as Japanese Hoteliers, Restaurateurs, Regional Tourist Boards, Guides, Transportation Companies to create complete Tailor-Made Tour Packages with unique experiences in Japan for the European Travelers to Japan.

SAKURA Voyages is your professional travel consultant for your trip to/from Luxembourg.

SAKURA Voyages (SAKURAヴォヤージュ) は、旅の総合デザイナーです


  • フライト
  • ホテル
  • 送迎ハイヤー、バス、電車
  • フェリー、クルーズ
  • 通訳ガイド、アシスタント
  • 商談、会議、展示会 通訳
  • VIPアシスタント
  • 各種体験
  • 旅行プラン
  • テーラーメイド・パッケージ
  • グループ・パッケージ


  • ビジネストラベル・マネジメント
  • MICE事業
  • ビジネス交流事業
  • 各種イベント
  • 取材コーディネート
  • 視察コーディネート

SAKURA Voyages S. à r.l

2, rue Hansgoergerfeld L-7635 Ernzen Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
t. +352 26 87 06 78 (Monday-Friday: 09h-17h)

Brand Name (ブランド名) :
Established(設立): January, 2003 (under the former name `TYProduction S. à r.l` )
Register of commerce(事業登録番号): Luxemburg B 91009
VAT Identification(VAT登録番号): LU19505758
Affiliations, Permissions(加盟・認可): IATA TIDS 96-1 9674 1 / GFG (Fonds de Garantie Voyages)